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Car Wash Chemicals and Weather Conditions

With a change of season comes a change in washing conditions

Change in weather conditions is a great time to be testing and adjusting your car wash chemicals.
Small tweaks will vastly improve your wash results in the future.

Are you noticing the lower panels on vehicles are still dirty after washing in your automatic car wash?

If so, it’s time to check titrations – you may need to adjust the low pH to remove this surface grime, especially after frequent bouts of rain. You’ll then need to reevaluate and readjust again once Autumn comes to a close & Winter begins.

We recommend at the change of each season that you also titrate your soaps. This ensures that you’re offering the best chemical delivery and eliminates any customer complaints about poor wash results.

Chemicals Car Wash World 1

If you need some help with getting your chemical offer right, the team at Carwash World are happy to divulge with you our knowledge from years of testing and tweaking.


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